Emanuel Blagonic

Emanuel Blagonic

Emanuel has more than 13 years of experience and more than 500 different projects with worldwide clients on his back. From designing websites to designing touch–screen applications, he worked with small and big clients, startups and global projects. Although primarily a designer, he’s been in love with WordPress for the past 10 years, being one of the biggest promoters in Croatia – writing articles about WordPress that are not only promoting WordPress but open source as well. He helped organize WordCamp Croatia and organizes WordPress Meetup Zagreb with his brother Lucijan. As one of the pioneers of the web standards movement in Croatia, he is active in the community where he works on building a better understanding of design process and educates clients as much as possible. He can be found on Twitter as @eblagonic.


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Über Ulf Schönefeld

Ulf Schoenefeld ist Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH) und seit sechszehn Jahren als Unternehmensberater und Projekt Manager bei Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) taetig. Seit 2014 ist er als freiberuflicher Projekt Manager im Einsatz und kuemmert sich darueber hinaus um die Themengebiete eCommerce und technische Wartung im WordPress- und WooCommerce-Umfeld. Seit dem ersten WordCamp in Nuernberg stieg sein Engagement in die WordPress-Community. Ulf ist Co-Organisator des WP- & Woo-Meetups in Nuernberg.